- Substitutionary vs. participatory atonement? - difficulty understanding what participatory means.
- sacrifice of Lamb - people are saved; becomes food for journey
- comparison: Passover & Last Supper
- participation: living out His words in our actions; feeding the 5000 - loaves & fishes (disciples participation)
- distributive justice - new testament
Person 2:
- 4 rich meanings of Last Supper
- meals as worship & way of breaking social boundries
- Echo of feeding 5000
- Exodus
- Body & Blood
- Not an eyewitness account
- Daniel
- Participation with Christ
- Meals
- Distribution Justice
- Compassion does not create community
- If you distribute - God will multiply
- We have to honor who we are
Person 3:
- NOT eyewitness - could have been a "hearing"
- Bread of presence (shekinah) from another source (=anybody's side of it is as good as another
- participation = communion
- bread = material basis of existence
- = central to survival (along with debt)
- = justice
- Messiah = Kingdom of God = challenge to empire = Mark's message
- Messiah - Son of Man - anti-imperial